Python Plugin Developer Guide

Python plugins let you rapidly extend hobbits processing abilities with Python code. Hobbits has a built-in interpreter, and a Python API that allows you to process data at near-native speeds while still taking full advantage of the flexibility and power of Python.

Basic Plugin Structure

Plugins are broken into 2 main parts:

  • A JSON file describing the plugin
  • A Python script implementing the described plugin

Plugin Installation

Python plugins can be installed in python_displays, python_analyzers, python_operators, or python_importers folders wherever hobbits searches for plugins (e.g. ~/.local/share/hobbits/plugins or the plugins folder adjacent to the hobbits binary.) For example, you could add display plugin files like:


JSON File Structure

The JSON file should provide the following fields:

  • name - the name of the plugin (string)
  • description - a brief description of the plugin (string)
  • tags - tags for categorizing the plugin (array of strings)
  • script - the name of the python file with the implementation code (string)
  • type - the type of the plugin ("importer", "operator", or "analyzer")
  • extra_paths - directories on the local machine where supporting python files/libraries can be found (array of strings)
  • parameters - the parameters that are required by the plugin. It is an array of parameter objects, each of which contains a name field (string) and a type field ("string", "integer", "decimal", or "boolean"). Optionally, a parameter object can list all valid values in an array in a possible_values field, or, in the case of "integer" and "decimal" types, specify minimum and maximum values in the min and max fields.

Here's an example JSON file:

    "name": "String Importer",
    "description": "Simple example string importer",
    "tags": ["Example"],
    "script": "",
    "type": "importer",
    "extra_paths": [],
    "parameters": [
            "name": "my_string",
            "type": "string"

Here's a more complicated parameter list:

"parameters": [
        "name": "hero",
        "type": "string",
        "possible_values": [
        "name": "breakfast_count",
        "type": "integer",
        "min": 2,
        "max": 10

Display plugins can optionally set their render_config (default values shown):

    "type": "display",
    "render_config": {
        "asynchronous": true,
        "hide_bit_offset_controls": false,
        "hide_frame_offset_controls": false

Python Script Structure

The Python script must be valid Python, and it must define a valid entry point function based on the JSON configuration of the plugin. For example, a valid script for the "String Importer" above could be:

def import_bits(bits, info, my_string, progress):
    bits.set_bytes(0, my_string.encode('ascii'))

In general terms, a Python plugin with a type of "importer" must have a function named import_bits that takes the following parameters (in order):

  • A hobbits.BitArray that will be the imported bits
  • A hobbits.BitInfo that will be the imported bits info/metadata
  • A parameter for each parameter object specified in the "parameters" array of the JSON configuration
  • A hobbits.ActionProgess that can be used to update progress and check for cancellation

Similarly, an "exporter" type plugin must have a function named export_bits that takes:

  • A hobbits.ImmutableBitContainer that will be exported
  • A parameter for each parameter object specified in the "parameters" array of the JSON configuration
  • A hobbits.ActionProgess that can be used to update progress and check for cancellation

Similarly, an "analyzer" type plugin must have a function named analyze_bits that takes:

  • A hobbits.ImmutableBitContainer that will contain the bits and info to be analyzed
  • A hobbits.BitInfo that will be the new info for the bits post-analysis
  • A parameter for each parameter object specified in the "parameters" array of the JSON configuration
  • A hobbits.ActionProgess that can be used to update progress and check for cancellation

Similarly, an "operator" type plugin must have a function named operate_on_bits that takes:

  • A hobbits.ImmutableBitContainer that will contain the bits and info to be operated on
  • A hobbits.BitArray that will be the output bits of the operation
  • A hobbits.BitInfo that will be the output bits info of the operation
  • A parameter for each parameter object specified in the "parameters" array of the JSON configuration
  • A hobbits.ActionProgess that can be used to update progress and check for cancellation

A "display" type plugin must have a function named render_display that takes:

  • A hobbits.DisplayHandle that will contain the bit container and offsets
  • A hobbits.ImageBuffer that will have a size and should be filled with raw ARGB image data
  • A parameter for each parameter object specified in the "parameters" array of the JSON configuration
  • A hobbits.ActionProgess that can be used to update progress and check for cancellation

Hobbits Python API


  • BitContainer.bits gets a hobbits.ImmutableBitArray
  • gets a hobbits.BitInfo
  • hobbits.ImmutableBitContainer returns a hobbits.ImmutableBitInfo for the info property


  • BitArray.size returns the size of the BitArray in bits
  • returns the value of the ith bit
  • BitArray.resize(n) resizes the BitArray to length n
  • BitArray.set(i, x) sets the ith bit to boolean value x
  • BitArray.read_bytes(i, n) reads n bytes starting from the ith byte and returns the value as a Python bytearray
  • BitArray.set_bytes(i, x) writes bytes-like object x to the BitArray starting at the ith byte
  • BitArray.write_to(fname) writes the contents of the BitArray to a file named fname
  • BitArray.read_from(i, fname) reads the contents of the file named fname into the BitArray starting at the BitArray's ith byte
  • hobbits.ImmutableBitArray only supports size, at, read_bytes, and write_to


  • BitInfo.set_metadata(key, value) sets the metadata key to value (key and value are both strings)
  • BitInfo.get_metadata(key) gets the metadata value of key if it is set (returns empty string if not set)
  • BitInfo.add_highlight(category, label, start, end, color=0x44ff8800) adds a RangeHighlight from bit start to end
  • BitInfo.get_highlights(category) gets a list of all RangeHighlights of category category

  • hobbits.ImmutableBitInfo only supports get_metadata and get_highlights


  • ActionProgess.is_cancelled() returns true if the plugin action was cancelled and should be aborted
  • ActionProgress.set_progress_percent(x) reports the progress of the plugin action as x out of 100
  • ActionProgress.set_progress(x, n) reports the progress of the plugin action as x out of n


  • DisplayHandle.current_container the BitContainer that should be displayed
  • DisplayHandle.bit_offset the current bit offset
  • DisplayHandle.frame_offset the current frame offset
  • DisplayHandle.total_bit_offset the total bit offset (start of offset frame + bit offset)


  • ImageBuffer.set_bytes(x) sets the image data to bytes-like object x (should be 4 * width * height long)
  • ImageBuffer.width width of the image (read-only)
  • ImageBuffer.height the height of the image (read-only)

Helpful Tools

In order to simplify the process of developing plugins, there are cookiecutters that take care of most of the boilerplate code.

Visit the GitHub repository for Hobbits plugin cookiecutters for a variety of useful cookiecutters and instructions for how to use them.